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  • How fast can your users add items to the shopping cart and check out?
  • Under 3.2 Seconds?
  • Website Revenue is based on how fast the user gets response to adding an item to the shopping cart

If your customers are waiting, then they are leaving.

Why should your customers wait? Face it, how fast your system responds to adding items to the cart has a direct impact on your revenue. The faster items can be added, the easier for users to impulse buy. We have seen sites that take 10 and even 30 seconds to add an item to the cart when no load was on the system. Is this your system today?

In all cases we have found once this delay was fixed, revenue to the site improves.

Important Questions

  • What are the times for key flows or transactions?
  • How long does it take to add an item to the shopping cart?
  • Does the time to add an item to the shopping cart vary over the day?
  • How long does it take to check out?
  • How many orders per minute does your site support?

Impact of performance on Website Revenue

  • How long it takes for an item to be added to the shopping cart.
  • How long it takes to place an order.
  • How fast pages are render or are displayed to the user.
  • Does your site performance change when you switch between catalogs?
    For example, Catalog A everything is fine and Catalog B things are slower. How stats are gathered is usually the cause of this. If you wants optimal performance this needs to be reviewed.

If you want to improve website revenue then you need to improve performance of the above items. If any of the above takes over 4 seconds, from the users perspective, there is a good chance that they will leave the site, not finish the order and never come back to order again.

The Tuning Ace Approach

There is a better solution than buying new hardware. Throwing hardware at the problem and getting stuck with the recurring expense of licensing more CPUs is not necessarily the solution.

At Tuning Ace we have a passion for Tuning, our Performance Tuning Suite is proven to identify issues that cause performance problems. Besides identifying the problems, our Performance Tuning Suite gives the solutions to the typical problems.

Therefore, we offer you the possibility of obtaining the solution to your performance problem today.

Our Goal : Tune the system to the max

We look at all areas from the DB back to the users with a simple goal of making the user's experience fast - when they order from the site.

We review more - so we can tune better !

Our Goal, improve the response time of your website and improve revenue your site generates to your company.

For more information on how, contact us.

Typical examples,

  • Review the extension tables in ATG.
    When extension tables in ATG are added, how they are identified to the system, determines what type of SQL ATG generates to the database. This SQL can be slow today or become slower as the system grows. Every extension table needs to be reviewed.
  • Review all of the SQL hitting the database
    Typical tools like Grid Control, AWR look at the top SQL. It is important to fix them. However our process reviews all of the SQL hitting the database. We have found that tools that look at the top SQL do not find all of the issues, there can be 10,000 plus of SQL statements that need to be reviewed to improve performance.
    In our process we have found that it is the other SQL statements missed by other tools that cause slowness in the system. Because we review more SQL a more complete solution is possible. This is especially important if you do not want to keep throwing hardware at the issue.
  • Close look at stats and how stats are gathered
    How stats are gathered in the system is very important. Most sites do not gather them correctly and this usually shows up in performance issues.
    If your site performance changes when you switch between catalogs - The way stats are gathered is usually the cause of this. For optimal performance this needs to be reviewed.